Volunteer at The Care Center

 The CARE Center volunteers are crucial to the work we do. When the agency was started in 1972, it was completely volunteer run and volunteers continue to be the heart of The CARE Center. Become a volunteer today!


Volunteer Advocates work closely with the Victim Advocate and staff advocates to provide after-hours direct service to primary and secondary victim-survivors of sexual trauma & abuse. Volunteer Advocates provide confidential, trauma-informed advocacy and support to victim-survivors of all ages and genders within Douglas, Franklin, and Jefferson Counties.

The CARE Center is committed to making sure our Advocates are diverse and representative of the community. We encourage men, Spanish language speakers, people with disabilities, Indigenous peoples & people of color, LGBTQIA+ people & survivors of sexual trauma to apply.

Training is 40 hours (usually over the course of 5-6 weeks) and is full of valuable information on sexual assault. counseling skills, and crisis support.

  • Each fall, spring, and summer a new training is held.
  • Advocates must be 18 years old and over.
  • Monthly meetings are held for updates, check-ins, case share, and ongoing education.
  • Advocates must own or have access to a car and phone with a voicemail.
  • We ask for a commitment of at least 1 year of service upon completion of training.

To learn more about the roles and responsibilities of the Volunteer Advocate, you can view the full volunteer description here. Contact Cole Cottin, Volunteer Coordinator Advocate, for more information at 785-843-8985 or volunteercoordinator@stacarecenter.org


We are looking for people to serve on The CARE Center’s Board of Directors. We need a variety of skills and experiences, with diversity in race, gender, ability, religion and political affiliation.  We are committed to a diverse and inclusive board and highly encourage people of color, women and non-binary individuals, bilingual candidates and all individuals with marginalized identities to consider seeking a position on the board.

Commitment: Board members must attend at least 75% of Board meetings, participate on at least one standing committee, commit to raising funds to sustain The CARE Center’s free services to victims/survivors of sexual assault and support our mission. Board meetings are held approximately ten months per year. Committee meetings are held at a maximum of monthly and a minimum of quarterly, depending on the committee. Committees include Governance, Internal and External.

Election and Term: Board members are elected by the current Board of Directors. The term of a director is three (3) years and until their successor is duly elected. Board members can serve additional terms.

Duties of the Board of Directors:

  • Participate in and make the ultimate decision in hiring the Executive Director.
  • Determine major personnel, organization, fiscal, and program policies.
  • Make final approval of budgets.
  • Perform all necessary legal acts.
  • Take action on committee recommendations.
  • Determine rules and procedures for the Board of Directors.
  • Elect officers to the Board of Directors.
  • Participate in agency fundraising and outreach activities.

For a board application or questions, contact our Board President at carecenter.board@gmail.com.

A group photo of Volunteer Advocates holding up certificates after finishing the Fall 2017 training.

Join our team of amazing, dedicated Volunteer Advocates!

Click here to apply today!

“My favorite part of advocacy is knowing that I am helping, whether in a big or small way, a person deal with an incredibly difficult moment in their life.” -Current Advocate